Don’t hesitate to call us today! 747-244-5487
Occupational therapists help patients manage and overcome their daily struggles by enforcing daily exercises as forms of treatment.

Certain physical conditions may lead people to experience limited movements and compromised ability to effectively perform tasks, especially while using the upper part of the body. These physical conditions may be driven by injuries or existing chronic illnesses or developmental delay.

The goal of occupational therapy services at Personalized Home Health Care is to promote the management of physical difficulties through the enforcement of daily activities and exercises. To effectively carry out treatment plans, our occupational therapists first assess and plan for necessary interventions ideal to the unique conditions of patients.

Our occupational therapists are qualified healthcare professionals who direct, supervise, evaluate, and provide occupational therapy services at home through the following:

  • Enforcement of Activities of Daily Living
  • Physical Strength Training
  • Fitting of Prosthetics for Amputations
  • Occupation-Focused Practice Models
  • Enhancing the Client’s Coordination
  • Sensory Functions Restoration
  • Progressive Work Skills Recovery Therapy
  • Work Simplification
  • Preventing health complications and injuries
  • Education in the use of mobility adaptive equipment
  • Muscle Control Restoration
  • Range of Motion Exercises

Reach Out to Us

We strive to promote the recovery and overall well-being of our care recipients. Reach out to us when you need home health care assistance for yourself or your family. You may also send a referral if you know someone from the community who requires our support.